For our clients who are being served by us in ShareWood bankruptcy matters, we provide new information here on an irregular basis. Please click on the link (READ MORE) to get more detailed information.
Dr. Fassbender Rechtsanwälte | Zwangsvollstreckung Schweiz
For our clients who are being served by us in ShareWood bankruptcy matters, we provide new information here on an irregular basis. Please click on the link (READ MORE) to get more detailed information.
It is surprising how often clients hire us and sign contracts without ever thinking about their content. Contracts are often treated like the small print, which you can't change anyway...
This is regulated by the IPRG (Federal Law on Private International Law), there the Art. 166 ff. Since 01.01.2019 there are profound changes and facilitations for the practice...
Every debt collection action is recorded in the debt collection register for the respective debtor. The amount of the debt enforced is recorded in the...
Usually, German real estate purchase contracts are financed by bank loans, whereby these loans are secured by the creation of a land charge, as well as the personal assumption of liability for the amount of the land charge together with an immediate submission to foreclosure on the entire property....